Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mad Men

Tonight is the season finale of Mad Men on AMC. Mad Men has become a cultural phenomenon that has inspired numerous trends. It has inspired people to try new drinks such as the sidecar and the classic martini, and has brought back fashion staples from the 60's like pencil skirts and sheath dresses. 

Mad Men is one the most sophisticated and well written shows and I don't want to have to wait for another season to see some of my favorite characters on tv! I love the character development on the show, and I am mesmerized by the scenery and fashion. I have a special love for Joan Holloway Harris, I want all her clothes and her signature gold pencil necklace.

Don has done some unraveling this season and I am curious to see where they will take his character after this . And what is in store for Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce? Will they succeed or will they go under? 


  1. Great post, I love the scenery and clothes too. Can't wait to see what happens tonight!

  2. Best season ever! So sorry it's almost over!
