Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Marie Antoinette

"There is nothing new except what has been forgotten."

-Marie Antoinette

Last night Marie Antoinette happened to be on tv and
I couldn't help but stop and watch. Although the movie isn't
particularly great, the costumes and the scenery are to 
die for. The colors, the extravagance, the 
details... stunning.

"I was a queen, and you took away my crown; 
a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, 
and you deprived me of my children. 
My blood alone remains: take it, but 
do not make me suffer long."


  1. That film is pure eye candy. I had to go to the theater to see it when it came out. Maybe it's time to watch it again?

  2. I love the scenery and the costumes in that movie, especially all of the French blues

  3. I still havent seen the movie...but i can Tell there is some Marie antionette feber around though i have reas about this absolutely stukning customes in a LOT of magasines lately, I love to see this pictures so Marie
